It's been a while since I've written but we actually had some cold January days and alot of rain too. Now finally we've had two days of beautiful weather - sunny and in the 50's. I like that alot better. Don't even need a jacket.
I was able to finish homeschooling quickly and get outside today. I loaded two wheelbarrows of llama poop and poured it into the garden where I'm making the cold frames to start all my seeds this year. I added some old straw from the barn on the bottom of "Little Ceasar" pizza boxes to begin with, added the manure and now it's cooking. I was able to locate a great source for old straw bales for only $1.75 to line the cold frame and will pick those up on Friday over in Glade Hill at the Pendry's farm. Now I need to locate some more windows.
I also sat down finally and ordered my start-up seed. In January I can put in rhubarb, onion and artichocke seed. In February it's time to start all the brassicas - so I ordered cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Everything was ordered from Southern Exposure Seed company right here in Virginia. I seem to get the best produce from these locally available seeds. Usually they don't take very long either and I'll be able to get some of these in the ground soon.