New Rose Bush

New Rose Bush

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 13, 2011

Joe and Dan Mallory joined us after church today and after a picnic lunch outside of chicken fingers, we got alot of work done.  We moved the sheep outside for some much needed grazing and started training her on a halter.  She was so cute.  Joe helped me clean out the sheep pen and lay new straw.  A walk to the pond proved productive.  We found ferns for my science class, skunk cabbage ready to open and some bones, including a whole deer head skull with teeth.  Daniel was thrilled to take it home.  Alot of tadpoles were seen swimming and lizards at the edge.  Daniel can't wait to come back and do some fishing.

Dan also helped me move some of the trees previously planted and I was able to start building a split rail fence around the vegetable garden.

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