New Rose Bush

New Rose Bush

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 31, 2011

Last day of August.  We're sure looking forward to fall.  Would love some rain right now though.  Everything is really, really dry.

We've been very busy, as always.David and Joel will be digging the trench to hook up our outside woodstove this coming holiday weekend. We just had workers here for two days painting all the tin roofs - house and buildings so everything is shiny and beautiful.  It was Bobbi Hood and his crew.  They did great work.  Even painted the trim by the roof, all the shutters and cleaned out all the gutters.    Now we have to finish putting on new storm doors and doing some new windows. It's always something.
The fall garden is getting in. I put in brussel sprouts, caulfilower and cabbage. I have new tomatoes and beans coming in and I put in another patch of green beans. My field peas (those southern things) are doing real well. looking forward to seeing what is in them! Today someone is actually baling the 10 acres next to us so we'll be able to start piling up some hay in the barn for winter feedings. I'll need about 73 bales just for the sheep. A friends is giving us hay from her horse she doesn't need so that will help out too. We may be getting a goat. Gayle, the woman Joel works for, asked if we'd like it. I'll take it if we can milk it!. We're looking into the Raw Milk Cure for Olivia right now and it would be a great thing to have our own goat to milk.
The delicious apples are ripening and almost ready to pick.  The trees are loaded and beautiful.  Hope to purchase some peach trees soon to start filling up the orchard.  We need to purge the old plum and peach trees too.  Something I'll hate to see.  they're all big and beautiful - but very bad fruit.  They need to be purged.

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